Yoga has become a common word today in the U.S.  Only a few understand the real meaning of yoga.  These are different processes of liberation are classified as karma-yoga, jñāna-yoga and haṭha-yoga.  Lord Krishna himself gives a definition of yoga in verse 8.12: “The yogic situation is that of detachment from all sensual engagements. Closing all the doors of the senses and fixing the mind on the heart and the life air at the top of the head, one establishes himself in yoga.”  Srila Prabhupada further expounds The sense organs for acquiring knowledge – the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and touch – should be fully controlled and should not be allowed to engage in self-gratification“ .  This is not possible in a modern Yoga Studio but by learning from traditionalists following scriptures.  The Vedic Cultural Center attempts to teach these ancient techniques to those who are interested in their own well-being.



Yoga can be applied at various tiers in the modern world. The physical yogic poses have their roots in Patanjali Yogic system. Yoga for the body is primarily through asanas also known as Yogasanas. Yoga for the life force is through Pranayama or breathing exercises which allows us to suspend our soul in five types of airs – Prana vayu, Apana vayu, Samana vayu, Udana vayu and Vyana vayu. The breathing exercises reduce or eliminate the imbalances in these life airs or vayus to restore good health. Yoga for the mind is also achieved through a combination of Pranayama and recitation of mantras. ‘Man’ means mind and ‘tra’ means relief. A Mantra relives the mind from debilitating thoughts and uplifts the soul. Yoga for the soul is restoring the connectivity of the soul to the supersoul (param atma) to elevate the consciousness. When this consciousness is directed towards the supreme person and controller of all material and spiritual worlds it is called Krishna Consciouness.



Ancient Vedic knowledge talks about thousands of spices (some of which are rarely available today). These spices when consumed in the right proportion and at the right time provide relief and cure to all ailments of the modern society at a fraction of the cost. The cost factor alone has motivated major hospital systems to apply integrated cure systems for patients ranging from Stroke to Heart Attack to Diabetes.

Vedic Way of Cooking


Ayurvedic cooking is a precursor to Ayurvedic medicine which attempts issues from arising in first place instead of solving them after the fact. Here the Vata, Pita, and Kapha, the tridoshas are balanced by proper choice of ingredients, the sequence in which they are added and the time duration taking cooking to an art form

Herbal Tea


Herbal teas have a range of medicinal benefits. For e.g. Alfalfa is rich in minerals and nutrients, so useful against heart disease and cancer, and good for cystitis or inflammation of the bladder, and rheumatism. Similarly Burdock is nature’s best blood purifier, said to help rid the body of excess water weight, soothes pain of arthritis, rheumatism and backache, and relieves skin irritations



According to National Institute of health “The term “Ayurveda” combines the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge). Ayurvedic medicine, as practiced in India, is one of the oldest systems of medicine in the world. Many Ayurvedic practices predate written records and were handed down by word of mouth for millions of years” Unlike modern medicine that goes to alleviate the symptoms, Ayurveda addresses the core lifestyle issues and provides solutions that are relevant and lasting

Herbal Tea


Herbal teas have a range of medicinal benefits. For e.g. Alfalfa is rich in minerals and nutrients, so useful against heart disease and cancer, and good for cystitis or inflammation of the bladder, and rheumatism. Similarly Burdock is nature’s best blood purifier, said to help rid the body of excess water weight, soothes pain of arthritis, rheumatism and backache, and relieves skin irritations